Supporting Your Child through School

Parenting for School Success
How to create the best home environment for academic success.

Parenting for School Success

In today’s parenting climate, many are struggling with the choices and influences constantly swirling around our children. Each school year during parent-teacher conferences, I hear a repeated theme from frustrated parents: “I feel powerless to …” Parents recognize their child’s negative behaviors, but feel unsure how to change them. The pressure to conform to what “everyone else” is doing is crushing.

Children need love, boundaries, safety, and a sense of belonging to thrive. Schools do an adequate job at supporting these goals, but they are ill-equipped to be the only source of training and discipline in a child’s life. Parents are the only adults who can create a framework for success by making sure their child receives what they need.

I have successfully launched five adults into the world. My children are college graduates, living independently with jobs. It was far from easy, and I definitely didn’t do it perfectly. I learned from my successes and mistakes, and I would love to coach parents in the hardest job they will ever do.

Along with my education degrees, I have a degree in Social Work in addition to many years as a parent and public school educator. Let me help you build the framework that will allow your child to be their best wonderful self!

Begin the Journey to School Sucess Today!

The Road to School Success Begins with Strong Reading Skills. Begin Your Journey Today.