Covid-19 Pandemic and Learning Loss
Since schools shut down in March, 2020 until now, students have had an interrupted at best, and for many, a non-existent education. Students at every level are experiencing difficulties with gaps in their education, but students who began kindergarten in 2019 missed critical early learning in reading instruction.Ben Dominique from the Stanford University Graduate School of Education reports about 2020-2022 reading skill development, “It seems that these students, in general, didn’t develop any reading skills during the spring – growth stalled when schooling was interrupted and remained stagnant through the summer,” In schools today, the literacy crisis is rising with our K-3 students.
An area of significant concern in reading fluency. Stanford University in California is a leader in education research. In a nationwide study they report that second and third graders were most affected by missing instruction during the pandemic.The researchers found that U.S. students’ reading fluency in second and third grade is now approximately 30 percent behind what would be expected in a typical year.
A reading specialist can diagnose and develop an intervention plan to quickly target and correct reading deficiencies. One-on-one evidence-based instruction with parent support is the most efficient way to improve reading skills. If a student receives one-on-one instruction, most will experience significant improvement in 12 weeks. Contact me today for a free consultation and put your student on the path to success.